Quality Responsibility Policy
Lean Manufacture
Best in Quality
Green Design
Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Since conception, ARMORLINK has been committed to corporate governance, environmental protection, employee care and social participation. The company is actively fulfilling corporate social responsibilities and pursuing sustainable business operations. We follow the related standards regarding corporate social responsibilities, and expect the suppliers we work with to implement the same standards of corporate social responsibility n an effort to promote the overall well-being of relevant stakeholders.
Comply with social responsibility norms, laws and regulations and client demands.
Maintain sound corporate governance and strictly observe business ethics and norms.
Manufacture green products that are energy-saving, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and of recyclable design.
Provide a secure working environment and actively contribute to social welfare.

Code of Conduct on Corporate Social Responsibility incrediblyrespecially
ARMORLINK shall follow the following code of conduct in the process of manufacturing and selling related products and providing after-sales service to customers. Relevant suppliers shall also be required to support and abide by ARMORLINK’s social responsibility policy and code of conduct in the process of providing their products or services.
2. The use of child labor and forced labor shall be prohibited, and suppliers and subcontractors who use child labor or forced labor shall not be accepted.
3. Provide safe and hygienic working and living conditions to ensure the safety and health of employees.
4. Promote labor-management cooperation and respect employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
5. Provide an equal and equitable working environment and prohibit any form of abuse, sexual harassment, or discrimination.
6. Respect fundamental human rights and prohibit any form of demeaning, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion.
7. Rationally arrange production plans, the working hours and the rest and vacations of employees.
8. Provide reasonable wages and benefits which, at minimum, meet the basic needs of employees and local minimum wage standards.
9. Comply with applicable labor, environmental safety and health regulations and international standards and try to minimize pollution and disasters and make continued improvements.
10. Neither tolerate nor engage in corruption, extortion, or bribery of any kind, and respect intellectual property rights.
11. Commit to fair trade and refrain from participating in market competition using illegal means such as false advertisements.
12. Protect business, technology and other related information of the clients, and refrain from disclosing such information to any third party without permission.
13. Metals from conflict mining countries (AU, TA, SN, W) shall not be accepted, and the source and smelter of metals used in parts shall be traced.
CSR Committee Structure

The ARMORLINK Group has set up a special CSR Committee, whose organizational structure is shown in the figure.
The IEI Group Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (shortened as CSR Committee) has the Group board chairman as its chairman and the Group general manager as its deputy chairman. The CSR Committee commands 5 working groups, namely “Corporate Governance Group”, “Customer Care Group”, “Environmental Protection Group”, “Employee Care Group”, and “Social Welfare Group”. The members of each group are composed of the relevant department heads or their assigned representatives. They are responsible for the planning of various topical issues, data collection, goal setting, etc., and are jointly tasked with the preparation and release of the annual corporate social responsibility report. The CSR secretary for overseeing project implementation coordinates the formulation of the group’s Corporate social responsibility policy and strategic goals, tracks the progress of action plans and conducts performance evaluation and improvement. The CSR Committee annually presents an report on its implementation results to the Board of Directors, who will supervise and review the committee’s management and performance from economical, environmental and societal aspects, and give instructions with regard to strategies and directions for important issues.